嚶鳴合唱團 Coro Perosi
Local Choral Works in Macao -
Father Guilherme Schmid & Father Áureo Castro
聖玫瑰教堂 / St. Dominic’s Church
2013.11.24 (Sunday) 8:00 p.m.
免費進場 Admission Free
嚶鳴合唱團成立於1997年,為一非牟利合 唱團體,近年積極推廣本土合唱作品。音樂會將重點介紹近年發現的司馬榮神父的《降B大調彌撒曲》,同時又會演繹他的學生-澳門聖庇護十世音樂學院的創辦人區師達神父的大型作品《謝主曲》,值得一提的是,司馬榮神父的《降B大調彌撒曲》將屬世界首演。此外 ,音樂會選擇在世遺景區教堂內舉行,除了宣揚澳門本土合唱作品的多樣性外,更希望現場愛好合唱音樂人士(無論市民還是遊客)對澳門世界文化遺產有另一層體會。
Established in 1997 and as a non-profit local choir, Coro Perosi has been promoting local choral works in recent years. Once again, this year Coro Perosi will present the newly uncovered choral work of Father Guilherme Schmid – “Mass in Bb Major” and “Te Deum” by his student, Father Áureo Castro, founder of Academia de Música S. Pio X de Macau. Father Schmid’s Mass will be world premièred. In addition, the organizer has chosen St Dominic’s Church, site of Macau World Heritage, as the venue of the concert, in order to further present more local choral works to both local citizens and tourists who attend to the concert.
主辦單位:嚶鳴合唱團 Coro Perosi
贊助機構:澳門特別行政區政府文化局、澳門特別行政區政府旅遊局、民政總署、 澳門霍英東基金會
節目表 / Programme
I. 司馬榮神父作品/ Works of Father Guilherme Schmid
1. Corona Aurea &nb sp;
2. 降B大調彌撒曲(世界首演)Mass in Bb Major(World Première)
- Kyrie
- Gloria
- Credo
- Sanctus / Benedictus
- Agnus Dei
II 區師達神父作品/ Works of Father Áureo Castro
3. Menina de Olhos Verdes (solo)
4. Alma Minha Gentil (solo)
5. 漁光曲 (Barcarola chinesa)
6. Ó vós todos
7. Panis Angelicus
8. Puer natus est
9. Credo
10. Te Deum